
Responsibility: ESG Marbrasa

The Marbrasa ESG Good Practices Manual was created with the goal of positively promoting our sustainability actions. As a premise, the founders and the Board of Directors have carried out several environmental, social and governance actions throughout the company's history.

These actions reflect the company's culture and impact the ecosystem and stakeholders. To this end, we have established a permanent Sustainability Committee focused on the three ESG pillars so that we have a consistent legacy of our actions and how they impact society, our employees and future generations.


/Biguá Award

On October 20, 22, we took part in the award ceremony for the Biguá Sustainability Award (Northwest Edition), promoted by TV Gazeta ES. We competed with the Camilo Cola Environmental Reserve project, in the private companies category, in which we came second.

The Biguá Sustainability Award was established by Tv Gazeta Sul in 2012, and from 2021 it was integrated into Tv Gazeta Norte and Noroeste, with the aim of publicizing, encouraging and valuing actions to recover and preserve natural resources, carried out by various actors in society, awakening people to the importance of the conscious and sustainable use of the environment.

/Camilo Cola Ecological Reserve

It is located in São Gabriel de Vanilla/ES, near the Preto São Gabriel Quarry. Besides having a green belt with several species of Atlantic Forest trees, it has a seed bank, springs, and a lake, in total harmony with the environment. The total area has 258 hectares and through mitigation, preservation, and replanting actions, it is becoming an important forest for the region. The Camilo Cola reserve also has a partnership with the Municipal Department of Education of Colatina for school group visits.

On April 28th, we inaugurated the Camilo Cola Environmental Reserve in São Gabriel de Baunilha (Colatina/ES), named after the company's founder. The event was attended by various local authorities, company employees and partners who helped consolidate the project.

The Environmental Reserve covers an area of 270 hectares, of which 74% is fully protected and 26% is sustainable use. 100 ha have been completely reforested as environmental compensation and another 100 ha are being reforested on the company's initiative. There is also a legal reserve of 80 ha, which will be increased as isolated forest fragments are connected through reforestation and form new ecological corridors. In addition to having a grove of Sapucaia trees, which in Tupi means "fruit that makes your eyes pop out", several native species have been replanted over the years, including a seed nursery. In recent studies, species such as the bush dog and the bearded monkey have been found - discoveries that underline the positive impact of the recovery.

Another achievement of the Reserve was the official inclusion in the Research areas of the Regenera Brasil Project, a Federal Government program that evaluates different forest restoration techniques and local environmental data.
Recently, Marbrasa set up a multidisciplinary team to deal with ESG projects in a broader and more collaborative way. Various sustainability actions are being implemented in line with good environmental, social and market governance practices.


/Electronic Waste Campaign

All electronic equipment or material controlled by Marbrasa's IT and which can no longer be used or reused is sent for environmentally friendly electronic disposal through an eventual process, according to the volume accumulated, in conjunction with the environment sector.A few years ago, we also formed an internal partnership between the IT, Environment and Marketing sectors to carry out a campaign for other areas, also collecting batteries, calculators, among other equipment, increasing the volume of material collected for environmentally correct disposal.

This campaign reinforces our commitment to the environment and also aims to raise awareness of the correct way to dispose of this type of material. In addition to this internal action carried out by Marbrasa, the Cachoeiro de Itapemirim city council also carries out a campaign every year, with the following as recommendations for disposing of the material we have at home


Marbrasa is a partner of RochaAtiva, which has several social projects to support the most vulnerable population.


In partnership with the Evangelical Hospital of Cachoeiro, Marbrasa participates in social support for cancer victims in the city, also supporting campaigns like Outubro Rosa and Novembro Azul on behalf of employees and society in general.

/Baby Kit

From the 6th month of pregnancy onwards, our pregnant employees, as well as employees whose wives are in the gestation period, are entitled to the Baby Kit benefit.

/Tampinha Solidária Campaign

A Campanha “Tampinha Solidária Marbrasa” foi idealizada pelo time de endomarketing da Marbrasa com o objetivo de arrecadar tampinhas plásticas para apoiar a ONG S.O.S Animais de Rua. Essa iniciativa visa financiar a castração e fornecer suporte aos animais resgatados pela ONG.

As tampinhas coletadas são recicladas, e o valor arrecadado com a venda do material reciclável é destinado integralmente às atividades da ONG, que incluem cuidados veterinários, alimentação e acolhimento dos animais em situação de rua. A campanha não só contribui para a proteção animal, mas também promove a conscientização ambiental e o engajamento dos nossos colaboradores na causa.

/Pink October / Blue November Campaign

In October and November, Marbrasa supports the Pink October and Blue November campaigns, whose main objective is to value life by raising awareness of the need for early detection of breast and prostate cancer. 

These campaigns are already traditional in our region and have been carried out uninterruptedly by GAPCCI (Cancer Support House in partnership with the Evangelical Hospital of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim) since 2010, which Marbrasa has successfully sponsored.



As a basic premise of Marbrasa, the protection of the sensitive or non-sensitive data of its customers and employees is a value that we do not give up. For this reason, we are in the process of implementing, in line with the Data Protection Act, several internal projects aimed at taking a critical look at the handling of personal data. Planning, interviews with business areas and technical and legal assessments are all part of the scope of the project and the management of data protection in the Marbrasa universe.

/Evolutionary Sustainability

The evolutionary sustainability project aims to map out the succession process in the company's various departments as a way of ensuring the company's perpetuity, as well as integrating the various departments in a cohesive manner and with common objectives.

/Relatório de Transparência e Igualdade Salarial
de Mulheres e Homens

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